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Nursing Past Present and Future.

These are my stories. Creative license will most certainly be taken. Names and dates may be changed to protect the innocent and the guilty. Everything I say is true based on my memory. I am old so my memory may not be that great.

Judy at age 16 end of Freshman year of Nursing School.

"Nursing is more of a condition than a profession." Peggy Poppelmier. Nursing instructor.

It has been a great ride so far. Looking forward to more thrills and chills as I navigate the final years of my career. This blog is about the nature and nurture of nursing over the past four decades.

Please join me as I saunter down memory lane.

Judy at 17 when she graduated from Nursing School in 1980

We still wore our dignity, aka our nursing cap, when I graduated. I continued to wear it until the early 1990's. Only white uniforms with white hose and white shoes were acceptable dress for work. The cap stripes signified your school and your educational background. a single black stripe was a BSN grad, 2 colored stripes were an ADN and diploma grads wore a single colored stripe.

Judy and are amazon affiliates. I make commission from products sold from this site.

Pinning was also a right of passage and we wore our school pin on the left side of our uniform.

Nursing School Days to the current trends in Nursing.

Many of the nurses I work with today have no idea what life was like just a few years ago let alone the ancient history of the early 80's and into the 90's.


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For over 40 years I have had the privilege of being a nurse.    I have had the honor of serving others and helping people for most of my life.  While the title comes with struggles and I have learned the hard way that some people don't want to be helped, I would not have chosen any other life. 

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