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Too Long for a Blog post.

This book was written by me after the death of my daughter, Megan, in 2010. Warning! It may be a trigger. Too long for a blog but worth the read if you are grieving or need a good cry.

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Melody Heine Cusson
Melody Heine Cusson
2023년 7월 08일

I'm not sure how I came across this but so glad I did. I have worked many codes over the years, some with you, as an RT and agree with you 100%. I'm praying for you.

Judy Gilbreath
Judy Gilbreath
2023년 7월 08일
답글 상대:

Thank you Melody


2023년 6월 23일

Judy, you are an amazing lady!! I’m praying for you❤️

Judy Gilbreath
Judy Gilbreath
2023년 7월 08일
답글 상대:


For over 40 years I have had the privilege of being a nurse.    I have had the honor of serving others and helping people for most of my life.  While the title comes with struggles and I have learned the hard way that some people don't want to be helped, I would not have chosen any other life. 

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Hi!  I am Nurse Judy!  Welcome.

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