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That scream in the night! It makes me shudder a bit to think about how many times in my life I have heard someone yell NURSE!

Whether it is eight am or midnight thirty it gets your adrenaline pumping like a double espresso with three sugars.

It may be a patient, a family member, a physician or even another nurse. Whoever it is they need some "HELP!"

As I walk the halls as a nursing supervisor I know that that one word, "NURSE!"

means get your happy ass in here. "I need some HELP." Sometimes it is for a bathroom emergency. Sometimes the IV accidently/ or on purpose, comes out and blood is everywhere. The patient is trying to get up and the bed alarm scared them. Often times a patient just needs to see you. They need to know that you are there for them.

Physicians most often yell "Nurse!" when they can't find something, can't log into the computer, don't want to have conversation with the family by themselves, doesn't have whatever equipment or supplies he/she needs, needs a chaperone, or just needs to see you and know that you are there for them.

The next time you hear the dreaded scream just know that you are needed, wanted, so so loved!

Thank you to all those who answer the call of, "NURSE!"


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For over 40 years I have had the privilege of being a nurse.    I have had the honor of serving others and helping people for most of my life.  While the title comes with struggles and I have learned the hard way that some people don't want to be helped, I would not have chosen any other life. 

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